Mental Health Workforce Action Plan - Phase 2 Consultation

Closed 3 Jun 2022

Opened 18 May 2022


The Mental Health Workforce Action Plan (MH Action Plan) aims to set out actions to grow, support and develop an interprofessional mental health workforce that appropriately supports the future expansion of mental health services across the system.

Phase 1 consultations to inform the development of the MH Action Plan were held from 21 February to 25 March 2022. Targeted interviews and an online survey gathered feedback from a range of stakeholders including health professionals working within mental health services, education providers and those involved in workforce training, unions and professional representative groups, consumers of mental health services, and carers, families and loved ones of those who access mental health services.

Several consistent and clear themes have emerged through Phase 1 consultation interviews and surveys:

In response to these themes, a series of actions have been developed, aligned to five priority areas:

Why your views matter

Phase 2 consultations are now underway to refine and finalise the WA Mental Health Workforce Action Plan (MH Action Plan). Your voice is important to us and as one of our key stakeholders your input is critical to ensure the MH Action Plan addresses the current challenges and future opportunities to deliver high quality health care.

Why we are consulting

The intent of this consultation survey is to ensure the proposed actions outlined in the MH Action Plan appropriately address the mental health workforce required to appropriately support mental health services.  The consultation survey also seeks to identify work underway across the system that aligns to the aims of the MH Action Plan.

Specifically, we seek your feedback on:

  • Your support for the actions proposed in achieving the aim of the MH Action Plan
  • Any perceived barriers to implementation of the proposed actions
  • Any additional activities planned or underway that align to the aim of the MH Action Plan

Completing the survey

Feedback is sought on behalf of Health Service Providers, the Mental Health Commission and the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.

The survey consists of 18 questions. This includes a mix of dichotomous (yes/no) questions and free text responses. 

The survey may be completed over more than one session. Please ensure povide a response to required questions and retain your login details if you wish to complete the survey at a later time.  

The survey will close at 11.59pm on Friday 3 June 2022.  

What happens next

Your response will feed into the broader Phase 2 consultation process and will be considered in finalising the WA Mental Health Workforce Action Plan.


  • WA Health Service Providers
  • Department of Health Executive
  • Health Service Providers
  • Department of Health


  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health