Events Regulation Review

Closed 28 Jun 2019

Opened 22 Mar 2019


The key focus of this review is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the most effective option for the management of public health risks at events in Western Australia.

Please read the discussion paper entitled Managing public health risks at events in WA before completing this survey.

The discussion paper outlines a number of options and recommendations for managing public health risks associated with events in WA. 

These options include:

  • Option 1 – Take no action (repeal without replacement): In this option the DOH would repeal the existing regulations without replacement. Event managers would become responsible for self-regulating.
  • Option 2 – Retain status quo: In this option the DOH would attempt to replicate the current regulatory requirements as far as practicable. 
  • Option 3 – Provide new events regulations under the Public Health Act 2016 with an updated guideline: In this option the DOH would progress the development of new regulations for the management of risks at events.

The feedback will be presented to the Department of Treasury's Better Regulation Unit to support the Department of Health's proposals for future management of events. 

The survey should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. There are 22 questions. You do not have to comment on all of the questions, and can focus only on those areas that are important to you. If you would like to view the questions in full before beginning the survey, you can view the questions in PDF form here.

Unless marked as confidential, all correspondence will be regarded as public. Documents may be made available on the Department of Health website or viewed by members of the public on request. If you wish for your response to remain confidential please check the box at the beginning of the survey.

Why your views matter

In WA, public buildings and events are required to comply with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992, enforced by the local government. The Department of Health is currently undertaking a review of these regulations ahead of stage five of implementation of the Public Health Act 2016, when existing regulations under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 will be repealed. The review must determine whether public health risks at events should be regulated under the framework provided by the Public Health Act 2016, or whether they should be managed through an alternative approach.

You are welcome to provide additional feedback that may not be related to any of the questions, or options which have not been proposed in this review. 

Please explain the reasons behind your suggestions and where possible, evidence to support your views, estimates of any costs that may relate to the proposal, and examples of solutions. 


  • Consumers


  • Policy development