Draft Genetic Health WA Service Plan 2024-2029

Closed 31 May 2024

Opened 6 May 2024


The purpose of this consultation is to seek the feedback of stakeholders on the draft Genetic Health Western Australia Service Plan 2024-2029 (GHWA Service Plan). Please click on the links under 'Related' (bottom of this page) to view the draft GHWA Service Plan and 'Give us your views' to complete a survey asking for your perspectives on the content of this document. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, depending on the level of feedback you choose to provide. If you would like to pause and continue the survey at a later time, please select the “Save and come back later…” button at the bottom of the page. All responses received will remain confidential and used only for the purposes of informing the final GHWA Service Plan.

Genetic Health Western Australia (GHWA, previously known as the Genetic Services of Western Australia) is the sole public provider of clinical genomic specialty services in WA. GHWA offers clinical assessments, genetic counselling, diagnostic testing, and familial cascade testing services for individuals with, suspected of, or at an increased risk of a genetic condition.

The GHWA Service Plan has been developed to guide the strategic direction for the delivery of clinical genomic specialty services by GHWA over the next five years. It aims to enable the provision of an equitable service able to appropriately support the emerging genomic health care needs of people throughout WA. The current draft GHWA Service Plan (attached) has been developed using a co-design approach, which has captured the input of over 300 GHWA stakeholders thus far, including:

  • Consumers and carers who have attended GHWA
  • Representatives from patient organisations 
  • Staff from GHWA 
  • Medical specialists, including general practitioners and other primary care providers 
  • Representatives from professional organisations 
  • Clinical and executive representatives from the WA Country Health Service, East Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service, Child and Adolescent Health Service, and PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA 
  • Members of the WA Genomics Strategy Implementation Committee 

This current consultation is seeking feedback from anyone interested in how GHWA will deliver clinical genomic specialty services in WA. The survey will ask for your opinions on:

  • The proposed future service model for GHWA
  • The appropriateness of the service directions and underlying objectives
  • Whether the proposed actions will collectively ensure that the objectives of each service direction are achieved

The development of the GHWA Service Plan is a collaborative effort between GHWA and the Office of Population Health Genomics (OPHG) at the WA Department of Health and has been co-sponsored by the North Metropolitan Health Service and the WA Department of Health. This consultation survey is being administered by the OPHG, WA Department of Health.


  • Consumers
  • Doctors
  • External Agencies
  • WA Health Service Providers
  • Department of Health Executive
  • WA Health services and staff
  • Peak bodies and associations
  • Aboriginal health
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • Primary Care
  • Policy
  • Planning
  • Consumers
  • Carers
  • Health Service Providers
  • WA Health
  • Public
  • Department of Health
  • Allied Health
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Aboriginal Health
  • Carers
  • Consumer
  • Midwife
  • Policy
  • Planning


  • Feedback
  • Consumer/carer/community engagement
  • Genetics