Plastic Surgery (Adult) Referral Access Criteria

Closed 21 Feb 2022

Opened 25 Jan 2022


The intent of this consultation survey is to ensure the perspective of the Hospital Liaison GPs, Health Pathways Clinical Editors and the Central Referral Service is captured in the development of Referral Access Criteria (RAC) for Plastic Surgery public specialist outpatient services.

Why are we developing RAC?

Currently referral criteria for WA public specialist outpatient services is variable and limited, and it is difficult for referrers to navigate what will and will not be accepted into public outpatient services. With a growing demand for outpatient services there is a need to develop standardised, clear and clinically justified RAC for specialist public outpatient services.

The RAC project sits within the Outpatient Reform Program and is one of a number of projects underway to streamline access to public outpatient services.

Who will use the RAC?

  • GPs will use the RAC to guide which patients they refer into public Plastic Surgery outpatient services. GPs will be able to access the RAC on the Central Referral Service (CRS) website and submit their referral using the existing outpatient referral form.
  • Central Referral Service staff will use the RAC to assess the completeness of referrals, and to gatekeep and allocate referrals to sites
  • Hospital clinicians will use the RAC to consistently triage referrals in line with the relevant clinical urgency category.

Why your views matter

As one of our key stakeholders we would value your feedback to shape the development of the RAC for Adult Plastic Surgery outpatient services in WA.

We are committed to ensuring the RAC are clear and easy to understand, are fit for purpose from a GP perspective, and that any associated issues are identified and addressed.

Who else has been consulted in the development of the RAC?

The Adult Plastic Surgery RAC are being developed by a Clinical Working Group comprising Plastic Surgery Heads of Department and nominated Senior Clinicians with the oversight of Clinical Service Planners from each of the Health Service Providers.

To ensure the Adult Plastic Surgery RAC are fit for purpose, consultation is occurring with a range of key stakeholder groups, including:

  • Health Pathways Clinical Editors
  • Central Referral Service
  • Hospital Liaison General Practitioners.

What happens next

Next Steps: 

  • Once feedback has been received and consolidated, the Plastic Surgery Clinical Working Group will provide final review and approval of the Plastic Surgery RAC.

  • The final draft will then progress to the Outpatient Reform Program Steering Committee for endorsement before being implemented.  

Further Information: 

  • If you have any issues or queries about this consultation, please email  

  • Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback, it is appreciated


  • Primary Care


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