The WELL Collaborative Clinical Advisors Group Expression of Interest

Closed 14 Sep 2022

Opened 29 Aug 2022


Please read the Clinical Advisors Group Charter found at the bottom of this page prior to submitting an application.

The WELL Collaborative is a movement of passionate people who want to change the way we, as a society, talk about weight and support people living in larger bodies. It is supported by a joint partnership between WA Health, Health Consumers' Council, and WA Primary Health Alliance.

We are informed by lived experiences, clinical and specialist expertise, and research evidence to create opportunities for dialogue about overweight and obesity and act to positively impact people’s lives. We work towards the vision in the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024 of “a community that supports maintaining a healthy life”.

We recognise that there is a lot of conflicting information available related to overweight and obesity, its causes, solutions, and impacts. The Clinical Advisors Group will be our go-to experts on the science of overweight and obesity, healthy living and weight management options, complications, and the emerging clinical and specialist evidence in this space.

The Group will work with the WELL Collaborative project staff and our partners to provide clinical and specialist advice and insights to inform information that will go on The WELL Collaborative website, development of projects, and potentially being called on to volunteer to support teams and communities to build programs, education packages, and services.

The Clinical Advisors Group is voluntary and informal and is intended to be a forum for open and respectful conversations to ensure we provide up-to-date information to our community. It is expected that members will endeavour to understand the complexity of overweight and obesity, social determinants of health, acknowledge the multitude of perspectives in this space, and that a one-size-fits-all approach will not support people trying to live healthy lives.

We are aiming to have a mix of specialist perspectives and representation of metropolitan based members and those living and/or working in country WA.

Frequency and set up of meetings and participation will be co-designed with the final members but we anticipate it will be no more than a few hours a month. It is anticipated that this group will meet virtually a few times a year with most of the work conducted via email.

Members will be selected based on an assessment by The WELL Collaborative Steering Committee of several factors including:

  • Alignment to The WELL Collaborative purpose and principles (see Charter for more information)
  • Clinical area of expertise
  • Relevance and breadth of knowledge and experience
  • Capacity to contribute virtually


  • Health Network Leads
  • Doctors
  • Clinical Senate
  • Aboriginal health
  • Health professionals
  • Primary Care
  • Allied Health
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Aboriginal Health
  • Midwife
  • Primary Care Teams


  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular
  • Child and Youth Health
  • Diabetes and Endocrine
  • Mental Health
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Primary Care
  • Renal Health
  • Respiratory Health
  • Women's and Newborn's
  • Health Network Leads
  • Obesity Prevention