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138 results

  • WA Cancer Plan - Research Consultation

    The State Government has made a commitment to support research and innovation in WA through the establishment of the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund and a long-term strategic approach to cancer research in WA. The WA Department of Health is currently developing the WA Cancer Plan 2020 – 2025 that will address these commitments. The WA Cancer Plan 2020 – 2025 will provide strategic direction for WA to achieve a well-coordinated, high-standard,... More
    Closed 14 June 2019
  • WA Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation Consultation

    The Minister for Health has established a Ministerial Expert Panel (the Panel) to advise on key issues for Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation. The Panel has developed a discussion paper to support this consultation. You can access the discussion paper under the 'Related' links heading below. The Panel is now seeking input from experts and across the community and invites you to provide responses to the questions outlined in the discussion paper. You can answer some or all of the... More
    Closed 24 May 2019
  • Patient Opinion Dashboard Consultation (now known as Care Opinion)

    Patient Opinion™ is an independent, not-for-profit online consumer feedback platform which offers consumers and carers an opportunity to provide anonymous moderated comment about their healthcare experiences online. The Patient Opinion™ Dashboard will display a summary of Patient Opinion™ activity for all WA Health Service Providers. The dashboard displays data that is already publicly available but across several sites. Displaying data in one place as a web page on the... More
    Closed 17 May 2019
  • Mental Health Clinical Governance Review

    The Review of the Clinical Governance of Public Mental Health Services in Western Australia (WA) (the Review) is currently being undertaken by an independent Panel. The Panel is inviting clinicians, consumers and carers, organisations and service providers to share their experiences. Clinical governance can be defined as the set of relationships, responsibilities, processes and systems that ensure that everyone is accountable to patients and the community for delivering... More
    Closed 12 April 2019
  • Public Health Amendment (Immunisation Requirements for Enrolment) Bill 2019

    The key focus of this consultation is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the Options and Proposals to strengthen immunisation requirements for Western Australian children enrolling into child care services, community kindergartens and schools, before the compulsory education period. Please read the Discussion Paper entitled Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement: Public Health Amendment (Immunisation requirements for Enrolment) Bill 2019, which is attached below, before completing... More
    Closed 26 March 2019
  • Health Networks Bulletin Survey

    The Health Networks Branch is conducting a short survey with our members to understand how we can be most effective in connecting and sharing information with you. The information we collect from this survey will be used to improve our Health Networks bulletin and inform our overarching communication strategy. More
    Closed 2 March 2019
  • Commercial garden soil regulation review

    The key focus of this review is to obtain feedback on the most effective option for managing the public health risk associated with commercial packaged and bulk garden soils in Western Australia. Commercial garden soils which include packaged potting mixes and bulk soil supplies have been associated with a number of cases of Legionnaires’ disease in WA, as a result of exposure to the bacteria Legionella longbeachae. This public health risk is currently managed under the ... More
    Closed 25 February 2019
  • Public Buildings Regulation Review

    The key focus of this review is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the most effective option for the management of public health risks associated with public buildings in Western Australia. Please read the discussion paper entitled Managing public health risks in public buildings in Western Australia , before completing this survey. The discussion paper outlines a number of options and recommendations for managing public health risks associated with public buildings in WA. ... More
    Closed 1 February 2019
  • Transition Services Mapping Project - Young People

    Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 'Transition Services Mapping' project, which aims to define and analyse the current transition process and experience for young people, their parent/carer/s, and clinicians, whose health care has moved from Perth Children's Hospital (PCH, previously Princess Margaret Hospital) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) adult services. This project is being conducted by Perth Children's Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and the Child and Youth... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Transition Services Mapping Project - Clinicians (Perth Children's Hospital)

    Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 'Transition Services Mapping' project, which aims to define and analyse the current transition process and experience for young people, their parent/carer, and clinicians, by case, who transitioned from Perth Children's Hospital (PCH, previously Princess Margaret Hospital) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) adult services. This project is being conducted by Perth Children's Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and the Child and Youth Health... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Transition Services Mapping Project - Parent/carer

    Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 'Transition Services Mapping' project, which aims to define and analyse the current transition process and experience for young people, their parent/carer/s, and clinicians, whose health care has moved from Perth Children's Hospital (PCH, previously Princess Margaret Hospital) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) adult services. This project is being conducted by Perth Children's Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and the Child and Youth... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Transition Services Mapping Project - Clinicians (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital)

    Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 'Transition Services Mapping' project, which aims to define and analyse the current transition process and experience for young people, their parent/carer, and clinicians, by case, who transitioned from Perth Children's Hospital (PCH, previously Princess Margaret Hospital) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) adult services. This project is being conducted by Perth Children's Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and the Child and Youth Health... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Transition Services Mapping Project - Patient/Parent

    Thank you for agreeing to take part in the 'Transition Services Mapping' project, which aims to define and analyse the current transition process and experience for young people, their parent/carer/s, and clinicians, whose health care has moved from Perth Children's Hospital (PCH, previously Princess Margaret Hospital) to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) adult services. This project is being conducted by Perth Children's Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and the Child and Youth... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Aquatic facilities regulation review

    The key focus of this review is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the most effective option for the management of public health risks associated with aquatic facilities in Western Australia. Please read the Discussion Paper entitled Management of public health risks associated with aquatic facilities in Western Australia, before completing this survey. The discussion paper outlines a number of options and recommendations for managing public health risks associated with... More
    Closed 30 November 2018
  • WA Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Strategies 2019-2023

    The Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program (SHBBVP) is undertaking consultation to inform the development of the Western Australian (WA) Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus (BBV) Strategies 2019 - 2023 and invites you to provide feedback. ( WA Sexual Health and BBV Strategies 2015 – 2018 can be viewed here ) This survey has been developed across the six priority areas for action: Prevention and education Testing and diagnosis Disease management and... More
    Closed 31 October 2018
  • 2017-2018 Local Government Public Health Act Optional Reporting

    The 2017/2018 Local Government optional reporting is designed to assist the WA Department of Health with the Regulation Review Program that is currently being undertaken as part of the Public Health Act 2016 implementation. The consultation is based on activities undertaken during the 2017/2018 financial year and occurs in conjunction with Public Health Act 2016 and Food Act 2008 Local Government mandatory reporting. More
    Closed 30 September 2018
  • 2017-2018 Food Act 2008 and Public Health Act 2016 Reporting

    Local Government enforcement agencies are required to report to the Department of Health on their performance of functions under the Food Act 2008 (Food Act) (as required by section 121) and the Public Health Act 2016 (Public Health Act) (as required by section 22). The Food Act reporting requirements have been in place since 2009/10 and the Public Health Act reporting requirements have been in place since 2016/17. The consultation will be for the 2017/18 reporting period (1 July 2017 to... More
    Closed 30 September 2018
  • Cloth materials regulation review

    The key focus of this review is to obtain feedback on the most effective option for managing public health risks associated with cloth materials in Western Australia. Please read the Discussion Paper entitled Managing the public health risks of cloth materials in Western Australia , before completing this survey. The Health (Cloth Materials) Regulations 1985 encapsulate a variety of materials that may present a fomite transmission of disease. A fomite is any nonliving... More
    Closed 15 September 2018
  • Temporary toilets regulation review

    Temporary toilets are predominately used in three types of situations Temporary worksites Events Situations where a permanent toilet is not available or increased numbers of toilets are temporarily required. WA has historically been the only state to regulate prescriptive temporary toilet design and construction requirements. This is done through the Health (Temporary Sanitary Conveniences) Regulations 1997 . The implementation of the Public... More
    Closed 14 September 2018
  • Management of public health risks associated with sanitation provision at construction sites and mobile, temporary or remote worksites

    There are a number of situations where people may have to work where no permanent toilet facilities are available. These situations could include: Construction Sites Roadside clean ups, road works or road maintenance works Tree planting or other natural resource management work Archaeological digs Geological surveys or other mining exploration related work Fruit picking/Seasonal farm work Where permanent facilities are not... More
    Closed 31 August 2018
  • Closed Draft Western Australian Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy

    The draft Western Australian Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy (the Policy) was developed by the Health Networks Branch, Department of Health Western Australia (WA) to demonstrate the WA health system’s commitment towards achieving the priority areas of the National Male Health Policy: Building on the strengths of Australian males. The purpose of the Policy is to provide direction to the WA health system and its partners to deliver strategies that improve the physical, mental, social... More
    Closed 10 August 2018
  • Minister for Health's - Primary Health Roundtable

    Primary health care and health system leaders are personally invited to attend the Minister’s Primary Health Roundtable hosted by a guest Panel of experts to explore ways to improve the integration between primary, secondary and tertiary services and improve the patient journey across the health system. The Roundtable is intended to develop recommendations for consideration by the Sustainable Health Review Panel in preparation for its Final Report to Government in November 2018. ... More
    Closed 28 June 2018
  • Sustainable Health Review Interim Report : Feedback Survey

    The Minister for Health, Hon Roger Cook MLA announced the release of the Sustainable Health Review Interim Report on 27 February 2018. The SHR Panel is now seeking views from organisations and members of the community on the findings of the SHR Interim Report and input into other areas the Panel may have missed in the first phase of consultation. Please note, WA health employees are able to provide their input through a separate survey. Further information about the Sustainable... More
    Closed 18 May 2018
  • Closed Obesity Management Service Inventory

    The impact of overweight and obesity on the health system is well known. What is not known is what programs and services are being provided, by whom, from where and to what standard to those in need of assistance with weight management in WA. Health Networks Branch is working on behalf of WA health system and in collaboration with the WA Primary Health Alliance and Health Consumers Council to provide strategic leadership to develop Targets for Change to reverse the trend of overweight... More
    Closed 27 April 2018
  • Amendments to the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982

    The Western Australian Government is committed to ensuring a strong legislative framework to regulate the sale and supply of human tissue products for transplantation, or other therapeutic purposes, or medical or scientific purposes in Western Australia (WA). The WA Department of Health (the Department) is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982 (the Act). Your submission will inform our recommendations for the WA Minister for Health. More
    Closed 2 March 2018
  • First Interim State Public Health Plan

    Professor Tarun Weeramanthri, the Chief Health Officer of the Western Australian Department of Health is pleased to release the First Interim State Public Health Plan for the first stage of consultation. The First Interim State Public Health Plan includes: a report on the health status of Western Australians and the public health objectives and policy priorities for 2017 - 2021 Although the State Public Health Plan is not required to be formally published... More
    Closed 31 December 2017
  • Management of public health risks associated with morgues in WA

    The key focus of this review is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the most effective option for the management of public health risks associated with morgues in Western Australia. Please read the Discussion Paper entitled Management of public health risks associated with morgues in Western Australia , before completing this survey. The discussion paper outlines a number of options and recommendations for managing public health risks associated with morgues in... More
    Closed 31 December 2017
  • Review of Community Pharmacy Ownership

    The healthcare environment in Australia is rapidly changing. In line with this the pharmacy sector is undergoing a period of innovation and change. New technologies are affecting how medicines are dispensed, pharmacy business models are evolving, and the range of healthcare services provided by the sector is increasing. In response to these changes the Department of Health is reviewing the regulations relating to pharmacy ownership to ensure they continue to support community pharmacy in... More
    Closed 8 December 2017
  • A position statement on direct-to-consumer genetic testing

    In 2013, the WA Department of Health, through the Office of Population Health Genomics (OPHG), released a position statement on direct-to-consumer genetic testing. This position statement was intended to assist consumers and healthcare professionals to consider the issues associated with direct-to-consumer genetic testing and to highlight the importance of genetic counselling in this process. OPHG is now looking to update the position statement to reflect the significant advances in... More
    Closed 25 November 2017
  • Sustainable Health Review

    The WA State Government’s Sustainable Health Review aims to prioritise the delivery of high quality, patient-centred sustainable healthcare across WA into the future. Western Australians continue to enjoy excellent health outcomes and quality health services. However the system is under increasing pressure from an ageing population, chronic disease and health inequity, and the health budget continues to rise. We need to focus on value and innovation to further improve health outcomes;... More
    Closed 27 October 2017
138 results. Page 4 of 5