136 results
Review of the WA Health Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration Policy
You are invited to share your perspective on the revised draft WA Health Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration (RRAD) Policy, which is being evaluated by the Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Directorate, Department of Health. Early recognition and timely response when a patient’s clinical condition worsens can minimise the need for more intensive and complex stabilising interventions . The RRAD Policy establishes minimum mandatory requirements for HSPs – ... MoreClosed 6 December 2021 -
IDPwD 2021 Event Feedback
Thank you for attending the International Day of People with Disability Event at Fiona Stanley Hospital. Please complete a short survey to improve future events. MoreClosed 17 December 2021 -
Consultation on the Guide for the new WA Advance Health Directive
Planning for your future healthcare: Help shape the guide to the revised WA Advance Health Directive form The End-of-Life Care Program is seeking input into the development of a guide to accompany the revised WA Advance Health Directive (AHD). The AHD Guide will instruct people on how to complete the new AHD. Community consultation about the development of the new AHD Guide will occur from 31 January 2022 to 18 February 2022. Anyone with an interest... MoreClosed 18 February 2022 -
Draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2022-2026 Public Consultation
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Consultation on the draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2022-2026 has been extended until 11:59PM Friday 18 th February 2022. You are invited to review and provide feedback on the Draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2022–2026 (HPSF). The HPSF sets out a plan for reducing the prevalence of chronic disease and injury over the next five years. It builds on the achievements of the previous versions (2007-11,... MoreClosed 18 February 2022 -
Plastic Surgery (Adult) Referral Access Criteria
The intent of this consultation survey is to ensure the perspective of the Hospital Liaison GPs, Health Pathways Clinical Editors and the Central Referral Service is captured in the development of Referral Access Criteria (RAC) for Plastic Surgery public specialist outpatient services. Why are we developing RAC? Currently referral criteria for WA public specialist outpatient services is variable and limited, and it is difficult for referrers to navigate what will and will not be... MoreClosed 21 February 2022 -
VAD Update: Reflections on the first 6 months
To assist us in evaluating this forum, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. All responses remain confidential. MoreClosed 24 February 2022 -
Hospital Stay Guideline Consultation
The Hospital Stay Guideline for Hospitals and Disability Service Organisations (the Guideline) was developed by the Disability Health Network in 2016 and outlines a best practice approach for disability service organisations and hospitals in managing the hospital experience of individuals with disability. The WA National Disability Service and the Disability Health Network have partnered to review and update the Guideline. Originally for hospitals and disability service... MoreClosed 25 February 2022 -
Epidemiology Directorate Client Feedback Survey 2022
The WA Department of Health Epidemiology Directorate provides both analysis capacity and advice on population health information to a range of stakeholders. Our clients are inclusive of the Department of Health, Health Service Providers, other WA government agencies, local government authorities, non-government organisations, academics, and the public. You have been invited to participate in this survey because you have recently requested information from the Epidemiology... MoreClosed 23 March 2022 -
Mental Health Workforce Action Plan - Phase 1 Consultation
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Consultation to inform development of the WA Mental Health Workforce Action Plan is now open! Phase 1 consultations are now underway to inform the development of the WA Mental Health Workforce Action Plan (MH Action Plan). Your voice is important to us and as one of our stakeholders your input is critical to ensure the MH Action Plan addresses the current challenges and future opportunities to deliver high quality health care.... MoreClosed 25 March 2022 -
Consultation on draft advance care planning guides for consumers and health professionals
Advance care planning (ACP) is a voluntary process of planning for future health and personal care whereby the person’s values, beliefs and preferences are made known to guide decision-making at a future time when that person cannot make or communicate their decisions. The End of Life Care (EOLC) Program within the WA Department of Health has developed 2 guides to advance care planning: Health professional guide to advance care planning This... MoreClosed 13 April 2022 -
Statutory Review of the Western Australia Food Act 2008
The Food Act 2008 (the Act) provides for the safety and suitability of food for human consumption and related purposes. The Act is the key initiative in achieving national consistency in the regulation of food incorporating model provisions agreed to by the Commonwealth, States and Territories in the Food Regulation Agreement. The purpose of the Act is to improve the food regulatory system by providing for a risk-based approach to the management of the handling and sale of food for human... MoreClosed 5 May 2022 -
Independent Governance Review of the Health Services Act 2016 SUBMISSION PORTAL
Establishment of the Health Services Act 2016 The Health Services Act 2016 commenced on 1 July 2016, providing a legal framework for clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities at all levels of the system and a devolved model of governance that enables decision-making closer to service delivery and patient care. The Act brought significant reform to the governance and structure of the WA health system: The Department, led by the Director General, has been was... MoreClosed 20 May 2022 -
Independent Governance Review of the Health Services Act 2016 SURVEY
Establishment of the Health Services Act 2016 The Health Services Act 2016 commenced on 1 July 2016, providing a legal framework for clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities at all levels of the system and a devolved model of governance that enables decision-making closer to service delivery and patient care. The Act brought significant reform to the governance and structure of the WA health system: The Department, led by the Director General, has been was... MoreClosed 20 May 2022 -
Mental Health Workforce Action Plan - Phase 2 Consultation
The Mental Health Workforce Action Plan (MH Action Plan) aims to set out actions to grow, support and develop an interprofessional mental health workforce that appropriately supports the future expansion of mental health services across the system . Phase 1 consultations to inform the development of the MH Action Plan were held from 21 February to 25 March 2022. Targeted interviews and an online survey gathered feedback from a range of... MoreClosed 3 June 2022 -
2021-22 Heatwave high threat season feedback
The Bureau of Meteorology have released information to advise the summer of 2021/22 was the hottest on record. The higher maximums compounded by high overnight minimums resulted in the State Hazard Plan – Heatwave being activated on two occasions; the Festive Season holiday break and a second time leading into the Australia Day holiday. This survey provides opportunity for agencies to feedback on observations and opportunities to improve future heatwave activations. The... MoreClosed 6 June 2022 -
Department of Health Climate Action Plan
This consultation is to provide Department of Health staff with the opportunity to view and provide feedback on the Department's Climate Action Plan 2022-2024 (the Plan), which was considered by the Department Executive Committee (DEC) on 11 July. About the plan: In November 2021, we asked our staff to identify what actions they wanted the department to take towards reducing its environmental footprint. This feedback formed the basis of the Climate Action Plan, particularly... MoreClosed 29 August 2022 -
The WELL Collaborative Clinical Advisors Group Expression of Interest
Please read the Clinical Advisors Group Charter found at the bottom of this page prior to submitting an application. The WELL Collaborative is a movement of passionate people who want to change the way we, as a society, talk about weight and support people living in larger bodies. It is supported by a joint partnership between WA Health, Health Consumers' Council, and WA Primary Health Alliance. We are informed by lived experiences, clinical and specialist expertise, and... MoreClosed 14 September 2022 -
Chronic Conditions Outcomes Framework Engagement Survey
Before completing this survey, you are encouraged to read the Consultation Info Pack (bottom of page) to learn more about the project and the proposed Framework. Chronic conditions are the leading causes for death and disease globally, and the prevalence is rising. People living with chronic conditions can face significant distress impacting their quality of life. Yet, in Western Australia, there is no current state-wide guiding document addressing chronic conditions... MoreClosed 16 September 2022 -
Climate Change and Health - Healthcare Professionals
The University of Western Australia and Western Australian Department of Health are conducting state-wide research to measure levels of awareness and understanding of the health impacts of climate change. We are specifically seeking the views of Western Australian (WA) health care workers and professionals that have direct patient or client contact. The research involves a survey to record the health impacts that healthcare professionals / healthcare workers may already be... MoreClosed 25 September 2022 -
Consultation: Amendments to the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 and the Schedule 8 Medicines Prescribing Code
The key focus of this consultation is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the preferred options for regulation of prescribing of medicines monitored via Western Australia’s real time prescription monitoring system, ScriptCheckWA. The introduction of ScriptCheckWA will mean prescribers and pharmacists have greater and more timely access to information about their patient’s treatment with medicines in Schedule 8 (S8, controlled drugs). ScriptCheckWA can... MoreClosed 7 October 2022 -
2021-2022 Food Act 2008 and Public Health Act 2016 Reporting
Local Government enforcement agencies are required to report to the Department of Health on their performance of functions under the Food Act 2008 (Food Act) (as required by section 121) and the Public Health Act 2016 (Public Health Act) (as required by section 22). The Food Act reporting requirements have been in place since 2009/10 and the Public Health Act reporting requirements have been in place since 2016/17. The consultation will be for the 2021/22 reporting period (1 July 2021 to... MoreClosed 30 October 2022 -
Regulation of nitrous oxide supply
The key focus of this consultation is to obtain feedback about proposals to amend the Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016, to include additional controls over the supply of nitrous oxide. The consultation survey asks your opinion about various proposed options for controlling nitrous oxide supply and the potential impact of the proposals on you, your business or your organisation. Restrictions on the sale of nitrous oxide are being considered... MoreClosed 11 November 2022 -
Establishing Containers for Change at the Department of Health, May Holman Building
Corporate Services is establishing Containers for Change for staff located at the May Holman Building to recycle their empty cans and drink containers, and to divert more waste from landfill and reduce the Department's environmental footprint. The funds earned will be donated to a charity voted by staff, with a different charity to be voted by staff half-yearly. This initiative supports the Department of Health Climate Action Plan 2022-24, which staff can access further below.... MoreClosed 16 December 2022 -
Community Consultation: Abortion Legislation in Western Australia
In 1998, Western Australia (WA) became the first Australian jurisdiction to decriminalise abortion. In WA abortions can be legally performed if certain requirements have been met. These requirements are set out in the Criminal Code Compliation Act 1913 and the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 (WA) Act. Community feedback invited Abortion care is vital healthcare. The department has prepared a Discussion Paper which outlines the... MoreClosed 17 December 2022 -
Epidemiology Directorate Client Feedback Survey 2023
The WA Department of Health Epidemiology Directorate provides both analysis capacity and advice on population health information to a range of stakeholders. Our clients are inclusive of the Department of Health, Health Service Providers, other WA government agencies, local government authorities, non-government organisations, academics, and the public. You have been invited to participate in this survey because you have recently requested information from the Epidemiology... MoreClosed 17 March 2023 -
Clinical Schools Conceptual Outline
In 2021, a metropolitan-wide Clinical Schools Model was proposed. It aims to provide the best clinical learning experience for all medical students training through WA's university. A Steering Group, including representation from university staff, students, hospital staff and relevant sector organisations has been meeting regularly to progress the concept. Once finalised, the model will provide the guiding principles for developing and implementing a coordinated approach to medical... MoreClosed 19 March 2023 -
User Feedback: Online Carers Compliance Report
We are very appreciative that you have agreed to participate in pilot testing our new online “Contracted Service Provider Progress Report 2022-23” questionnaire, designed to capture compliance with the Carers Recognition Act 2004. Your participation in this pilot is critical in ensuring the online questionnaire is fit for purpose before implementation and completion by all contracted health entities for the 2022-23 reporting period. MoreClosed 12 May 2023 -
Improving Safety and Quality in WA Healthcare – A Strategic Plan for Action in WA 2023-2026
The Health Executive Committee - Safety and Quality (HEC SQ) initiated the development of a WA Health Safety and Quality Strategic Plan which will set the system wide direction to drive a safer, higher-performing and person-centred system. The combined results of a Current State Assessment and an extensive Engagement Phase informed an early draft of the Strategic Plan. This was further developed at a workshop hosted by the Department of Health and facilitated by the... MoreClosed 31 May 2023 -
2023 WA Chronic Conditions Outcomes Framework
Before completing this survey, you will need to read the ‘Draft Chronic Conditions Outcomes Framework June 2023 ' (hyperlink), approximately 20-30 minutes. Chronic conditions are the leading cause of illness, disability and death in Australia, and the prevalence is rising. People living with or at risk of chronic conditions can face significant physical, psychological and financial stress impacting their quality of life. Yet, in Western Australia, there is no current... MoreClosed 23 June 2023 -
Consultation on the draft Framework for bereavement after an expected death in WA
The draft Framework for bereavement support after an expected death in WA (the framework) has been developed by the End of Life Care (EOLC) Program within the WA Department of Health. The Framework is intended as a strategic guide for end-of-life and palliative care services developing local solutions to support bereaved families/carers after an expected death. The framework is intended to increase awareness and understanding of the service considerations associated with the... MoreClosed 21 August 2023
136 results.
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