138 results
Disability and Health Cafe Evaluation
Thank you for participating in the Disability and Health café at Bendat Parent and Community Centre on 23 September 2014. Please assist us to evaluate whether you thought the café was of value by providing your feedback. This information will be analysed and used to shape recommendations in the café summary report. This report will be sent to all attendees and available on the Disability Health Network webpage. All individual responses remain confidential. It would be... MoreClosed 30 September 2014 -
Student survey – sexual health
Thank you for taking part in WA Health’s sexual health project by completing this survey. Prize up for Grabs! On completing this survey, you will have the option of going in a draw to win a $100 Coles/Myer voucher!! The purpose of this survey is to find out about sexual health beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and knowledge among tertiary students in Western Australia, to enable us to produce appropriate resources for students with information and support related to sexual... MoreClosed 2 December 2014 -
WA STI and BBV Strategies Consultation
Welcome to the WA Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and Blood-borne Virus (BBV) Strategies consultation. The aim of this consultation is to gather feedback from stakeholders. All feedback will be coded, analysed and used to contribute to the development of STI and BBV strategies for WA for the period 2015 to 2018. MoreClosed 1 January 2015 -
Chronic Condition Self-Management Programs (CCSM)
The Chronic Conditions Self-Management (CCSM) Reference Group invites consultation on the two attached draft documents : 1. WA Chronic Conditions Self-Management (CCSM) - CCSM Program Criteria 2. Self-Management Assessment Guide (Please ensure you download and read the two attached draft documents by clicking on the links at the bottom of screen, prior to commencing the survey) These draft documents have been prepared as part of the implementation of the WA Chronic... MoreClosed 13 February 2015 -
Care Coordination Survey
This survey is being conducted by the WA Department of Health on care coordination for people with disability, with a specific focus on coordination of support for consumer health and wellbeing. It will inform the development of a report and recommendations on health-related care coordination being prepared by the WA Disability Health Network. Support for consumer health and wellbeing is broadly defined for the purposes of this survey, and includes: inpatient, outpatient and... MoreClosed 26 March 2015 -
Have Your Say On Cancer In WA
The Chief Health Officer is preparing a report on choices in cancer control in Western Australia in collaboration with: Cancer Council WA Health Consumer's Council WA Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA Curtin University WA Clinical Oncology Group WA Cancer Registry WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network MoreClosed 27 March 2015 -
The Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015-2025
Thank you for participating in the Western Australian Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services Plan 2015 – 2025 (Plan) online public consultation. We value your views and thank you for taking the time to contribute to this public consultation process. The public consultation process is open until Monday, 30 March 2015 and includes this online survey as well as stakeholder forums in metropolitan and rural areas. Details about the forums will be provided on the Mental Health... MoreClosed 30 March 2015 -
WA Disability Health Framework - Consultation Forum
The Disability Health Network invites you to attend the WA Disability Health Framework consultation forum. Time and date: 10.00am to 2.00pm (registrations from 9.30am), Friday 22 May 2015 Venue: The RISE, 28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands The draft WA Disability Health Framework 2015-2025: improving the health care of people with disability (the Framework) outlines priorities for all areas of the health system, the disability sector and the community to focus their efforts towards improving... MoreClosed 18 May 2015 -
A national framework for newborn bloodspot screening in Australia
The survey is being conducted by the Newborn Bloodspot Screening Working Group. This group includes representatives and experts from the fields of nursing, bioethics, consumer advocacy, newborn screening, paediatrics, pathology, policy development and state, territory and Commonwealth governments. The Working Group has been tasked with the development of a national policy framework for newborn bloodspot screening in Australia. A national policy framework is being developed to... MoreClosed 12 July 2015 -
Disability Health Core Capabilities Resource Consultation Forum
The Disability Health Network invites you to attend the Disability Health Core Capabilities Resource consultation forum. Time and date: 10.00am to 2.00pm (registrations from 9.30am), Wednesday 21 October 2015 Venue: The Rise, 28 Eighth Ave, Maylands The draft Disability Health Core Capabilities Resource: Shared attitudes and behaviours for healthcare workers (the Resource) outlines knowledge, skills and attributes required of a health workforce who provide healthcare services for... MoreClosed 14 October 2015 -
Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2015
This survey is to seek feedback on the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement regarding the proposed regulations for inclusion in the Medicines and Poisons Regulations, 2015. Feedback on proposed regulations is sought from consumers, representatives from industry, the public health sector, government entities and the broader community. Safe use of medicine and poisons in WA, is currently regulated by the following legislation: Posions Act 1964 Poisons and Medicines... MoreClosed 14 October 2015 -
Closed Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Model of Care Consultation
The Women's Health Clinical Support Programs, Women and Newborn Health Service, in collaboration with the Womens and Newborns Health Network, WA Department of Health, are undertaking consultation of the final draft of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Model of Care. When finalised the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Model of Care will be used to inform statewide policy and patient care in Western Australia. MoreClosed 16 October 2015 -
Disability Health Core Capabilities Resource consultation survey
The Disability Health Core Capabilities Resource: Shared attitudes and behaviours for healthcare workers was developed by the Disability Health Network and describes the knowledge, skills and attributes required of a workforce who provide healthcare services for people with disability to ensure access to the best possible healthcare without discrimination. MoreClosed 27 November 2015 -
WA Health SWI Evaluation
Thank you for agreeing to complete this short (~5 minutes) survey about the WA Health Staff Wellness Initiative (SWI). The WA Health SWI was developed in 2012 and aims to support and encourage WA Health workplaces to develop environments, policies and practices that support employee healthy lifestyle behaviours. This survey will provide valuable feedback about how well the SWI is doing and inform future strategies for enabling health and wellbeing across all WA Health workplaces. MoreClosed 30 November 2015 -
Draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2017-2021 Public Consultation
You are invited to review and provide feedback on the draft WA Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2017–2021 (WA HPSF). The WA HPSF sets out a plan for reducing the prevalence of chronic disease and injury over the next five years. It builds on the achievements of the previous versions (2007-11 and 2012–16) and takes into account new evidence, policy changes, and relevant state, national and international developments. The WA HPSF focuses on the main lifestyle risk factors which... MoreClosed 17 October 2016 -
WA Health Services' Data Collection Relating to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Persons
You are invited to provide feedback on how your organisation or program is collecting data relating to culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) clients. For the purposes of this consultation, the term "culturally and linguistically diverse" (CaLD) refers to "groups and individuals who differ according to religion, race, language and ethnicity, except those whose ancestry is Anglo Saxon, Anglo Celtic, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander". The Western Australian Department of Health is... MoreClosed 12 May 2017 -
Copy of Local Government Public Health Act Optional Reporting
Section 22 of the Public Health Act 2016 (the Act) requires Local Governments to report to the Department of Health on their performance of functions under the Act. In addition to these reporting requirements the Department of Health has developed a number of additional optional questions to assist with the Regulation Review Program that is currently being undertaken as part of the Public Health Act 2016 implementation. MoreClosed 29 August 2017 -
Local Government Public Health Act Optional Reporting
Section 22 of the Public Health Act 2016 (the Act) requires Local Governments to report to the Department of Health on their performance of functions under the Act. In addition to these reporting requirements the Department of Health has developed a number of additional optional questions to assist with the Regulation Review Program that is currently being undertaken as part of the Public Health Act 2016 implementation. MoreClosed 29 September 2017 -
Sustainable Health Review
The WA State Government’s Sustainable Health Review aims to prioritise the delivery of high quality, patient-centred sustainable healthcare across WA into the future. Western Australians continue to enjoy excellent health outcomes and quality health services. However the system is under increasing pressure from an ageing population, chronic disease and health inequity, and the health budget continues to rise. We need to focus on value and innovation to further improve health outcomes;... MoreClosed 27 October 2017 -
A position statement on direct-to-consumer genetic testing
In 2013, the WA Department of Health, through the Office of Population Health Genomics (OPHG), released a position statement on direct-to-consumer genetic testing. This position statement was intended to assist consumers and healthcare professionals to consider the issues associated with direct-to-consumer genetic testing and to highlight the importance of genetic counselling in this process. OPHG is now looking to update the position statement to reflect the significant advances in... MoreClosed 25 November 2017 -
Review of Community Pharmacy Ownership
The healthcare environment in Australia is rapidly changing. In line with this the pharmacy sector is undergoing a period of innovation and change. New technologies are affecting how medicines are dispensed, pharmacy business models are evolving, and the range of healthcare services provided by the sector is increasing. In response to these changes the Department of Health is reviewing the regulations relating to pharmacy ownership to ensure they continue to support community pharmacy in... MoreClosed 8 December 2017 -
First Interim State Public Health Plan
Professor Tarun Weeramanthri, the Chief Health Officer of the Western Australian Department of Health is pleased to release the First Interim State Public Health Plan for the first stage of consultation. The First Interim State Public Health Plan includes: a report on the health status of Western Australians and the public health objectives and policy priorities for 2017 - 2021 Although the State Public Health Plan is not required to be formally published... MoreClosed 31 December 2017 -
Management of public health risks associated with morgues in WA
The key focus of this review is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the most effective option for the management of public health risks associated with morgues in Western Australia. Please read the Discussion Paper entitled Management of public health risks associated with morgues in Western Australia , before completing this survey. The discussion paper outlines a number of options and recommendations for managing public health risks associated with morgues in... MoreClosed 31 December 2017 -
Amendments to the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982
The Western Australian Government is committed to ensuring a strong legislative framework to regulate the sale and supply of human tissue products for transplantation, or other therapeutic purposes, or medical or scientific purposes in Western Australia (WA). The WA Department of Health (the Department) is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982 (the Act). Your submission will inform our recommendations for the WA Minister for Health. MoreClosed 2 March 2018 -
Closed Obesity Management Service Inventory
The impact of overweight and obesity on the health system is well known. What is not known is what programs and services are being provided, by whom, from where and to what standard to those in need of assistance with weight management in WA. Health Networks Branch is working on behalf of WA health system and in collaboration with the WA Primary Health Alliance and Health Consumers Council to provide strategic leadership to develop Targets for Change to reverse the trend of overweight... MoreClosed 27 April 2018 -
Sustainable Health Review Interim Report : Feedback Survey
The Minister for Health, Hon Roger Cook MLA announced the release of the Sustainable Health Review Interim Report on 27 February 2018. The SHR Panel is now seeking views from organisations and members of the community on the findings of the SHR Interim Report and input into other areas the Panel may have missed in the first phase of consultation. Please note, WA health employees are able to provide their input through a separate survey. Further information about the Sustainable... MoreClosed 18 May 2018 -
Minister for Health's - Primary Health Roundtable
Primary health care and health system leaders are personally invited to attend the Minister’s Primary Health Roundtable hosted by a guest Panel of experts to explore ways to improve the integration between primary, secondary and tertiary services and improve the patient journey across the health system. The Roundtable is intended to develop recommendations for consideration by the Sustainable Health Review Panel in preparation for its Final Report to Government in November 2018. ... MoreClosed 28 June 2018 -
Closed Draft Western Australian Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy
The draft Western Australian Men’s Health and Wellbeing Policy (the Policy) was developed by the Health Networks Branch, Department of Health Western Australia (WA) to demonstrate the WA health system’s commitment towards achieving the priority areas of the National Male Health Policy: Building on the strengths of Australian males. The purpose of the Policy is to provide direction to the WA health system and its partners to deliver strategies that improve the physical, mental, social... MoreClosed 10 August 2018 -
Management of public health risks associated with sanitation provision at construction sites and mobile, temporary or remote worksites
There are a number of situations where people may have to work where no permanent toilet facilities are available. These situations could include: Construction Sites Roadside clean ups, road works or road maintenance works Tree planting or other natural resource management work Archaeological digs Geological surveys or other mining exploration related work Fruit picking/Seasonal farm work Where permanent facilities are not... MoreClosed 31 August 2018 -
Temporary toilets regulation review
Temporary toilets are predominately used in three types of situations Temporary worksites Events Situations where a permanent toilet is not available or increased numbers of toilets are temporarily required. WA has historically been the only state to regulate prescriptive temporary toilet design and construction requirements. This is done through the Health (Temporary Sanitary Conveniences) Regulations 1997 . The implementation of the Public... MoreClosed 14 September 2018
138 results.
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